Our World

Family calendar tresxics 2013

For the third year we are very happy to present our wall calendar. Ideal for families with a lot of life and activities to aim for.

This year, in addition to maintaining the format with large numbers, space to write and mark activities, a space to make notes, etc.… we have incorporated a game for the little ones in the house, it is about dressing the two characters who they appear on the monthly sheet with the right clothes for the weather.

The colors of the clothes are the same shades of the page, little help to guess the dumb!

calendar 2013 tresxics

And a secret: here on the blog you can find the two characters of each month, dressed in the right clothes, this way you can check if you got it right!

These are the characters:

family calendar 2013 kids tresxics

Clothes to wear:

family calendar 2013 clothes tresxics
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